Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Marissa's Interview

I chose to interview my mom because I wasn't sure if she knew anything about fracking. So I decided to find out, and fill her in on anything that she didn't know.

Me: "Mom what do you know about fracking?"
Mom (Lisa): "Not much, except isn't it how they get the oil from the ground?"
Me: "I guess, but it is more of a process that can be used to extract the natural gas found under ground. They inject pressurized fracking fluids into the shale layers of the earth in order to get this natural gas."
Lisa: "That sounds very intense!"
Me: "Do you think fracking is safe for the environment?"
Lisa: "I don't know much about it but it sounds like it wouldn't be too safe, it must be too good to be true."
Me: "You're right it isn't. When they inject these pressurized 'fracking fluids' (a mixture of water, sand, salt, citric acid, and lead) into the ground any leaks can completely soil an 
underground water supply. Does this sound sustainable to you?"
Lisa: "Not really, especially when you could be in danger of a harmful water supply."
Me: "Where did you hear about Fracking?"
Lisa: "I think I heard about it on the news last year but I haven't really thought about it since." 
Me: "Do you think that there is anything that can be done to make this process more sustainable to the environment?"
Lisa: "Well maybe they could make sure that the fracking fluids would not be able to leak down into water supply, it sounds like that would be my biggest concern."
Me: "If a big company came knocking on your door and asked you if you would sign a contract to receive a large amount of money if you were to allow them to drill and start fracking close to your home would you do it?
Lisa: "No definitely not, its not worth the risk, and I can tell they are probably not as cautious as they should be." 
Me: "Why do you think that this is still going on even with the huge risk factor?"
Lisa: "Because we Americans needs these resources and we can't afford to lose money over what the government probably views as a slight chance of failure."
Me: "Do you think there is any safer way to do it?"
Lisa: "I personally don't know but if someone does this for a living I'm sure they could figure something out."
Me: "Do you feel like you're a little more informed now?"
Lisa: "Yes! It's weird to know all of this was going on and I only had this little clue of what it really was." 


I realized from this interview that some people don't really know a lot about this topic. This is very dangerous because people should know and I think that we are only hurting ourselves by not informing our other citizens of this country. I think the more people to know about this the more informed we would be, and the more people could say no when offered money, that would  ruin their drinking water and possibly put their family in danger. By keeping ourselves informed the healthier our planet would be.  

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