Monday, October 28, 2013

Marissa Takes Action

To take action on fracking I signed a petition. It was very easy and only took a second but it made me feel good because it was something I believed in and something that I t was wrong. It also meant something to me because it let me know that my name would be on that and everyone would know that I signed it. If you would also like to sign the petition against fracking, here is the link: Petition Against Fracking. Signing this petition relates back to democratic views because it is our right to have freedom of speech and be able to believe in what we want to believe in. We have our own freedom to sign petitions or show our views however we see fit; why not utilize that freedom? I believe as a teacher it is important to inform students of their rights because who knows what they may believe in and that they can stand up for. They're allowed to have a voice and views as much as we are so it is important for us as teachers to teach them about these rights that they have. The quote also reminds me of democracy in the sense that we are free here in American so voicing our opinions are important. But as teachers it should also be our duty to inform students that voicing your opinion is something that you should do and not to be ashamed to show yours because we all are entitled to an opinion.

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