Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hey everyone!
SO our presentation is going to be pretty standard. We'll have a Powerpoint just like everyone else, but we'll surely be trying to make things exciting just through being expressive. As far as I know, the three of us are all passionate about the whole fracking problem, and we'd very much like to share this with you.

At this point, I'm sure you're all very bored and want nothing to do with yet another 20 minute presentation on something you may or may not remember in the future. That being said, we're going to give you some information, but we're also going to ask you questions. The idea is that as we're giving information, we may or may not spontaneously ask a question. Currently, they are true or false questions, but they are subject to change. The questions will be rapid fire, and you're welcome to blurt out the answer.

But why bother answering? You could just zone out the entire time. Presentations are boring. Well, we're going to turn this into a contest. If you personally answer the highest number of questions, then you will receive a prize at the end of the presentation. The prize has not currently been determined, so please, please, please do us a favor by replying to the linked post on Canvas! Reply with something that you think would be a worthy prize. I'm thinking some for of candy, so be specific. However, we're not going to spend more than ten dollars on you, so if you're thinking something big, then you're a party pooper.

That's all we have for now. It will become more clear what we'll be putting into the presentation as it gets closer, but three things are clear. There will be information, there will be questions, and there will prizes to come from it. If that doesn't interest you, then you don't have to listen!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Concept Map
For our concept map we took some of the information that we already knew along with some new information to make this map and find out as much about the topic as we could. This really brings to mind all of the heath factors and concerns. If this project continues it will also continue with all of the harm that it is causing upon our environment. Although the fuel that is being uncovered from fracking is less expensive it is not clean. This article about Colorado towns also looking to ban fracking raises some more issues about keeping people safe and how clean gas is more important than cheap gas. But acquiring both is the ultimate goal. This article on "setting people straight" also is very informative in talking about what you may have heard about fracking and about how much of it is actually true.